Deadman Wonderland is a manga series written by Jinsei Kataoka and illustrated by Kazuma Kondou, who also wrote and illustrated the Eureka Seven manga, and published in Shonen Ace since 2008 Tokyopop acquired the licensing rights to distribute the manga in English and released the first 5 volumes of the manga before the company shut down its North American Publishing division in 2011. On July 7, 2013 Viz Media announced that they licensed the series for English language release in North America and will release the first volume on February 11, 2014, with new volumes releasing every two months. An anime adaptation aired between April and July 2011, pulling content from the first 21 chapters of the manga. The anime is licensed byFunimation Enertainment and aired on Adult Swim's World newly revived Toonami block.
A massive anomaly ravaged Japan's mainland and destroyed most of Tokyo, sinking three-quarters of the city into the ocean. Ten years later, the story shifts to Ganta Igarashi, a seemingly ordinary student attending Nagano Prefecture's middle school. As an escapee, a survivor of the great earthquake, Ganta has no memories of the tragedy and has lived a normal life. This all changes when a strange person covered in blood and crimson armor floats through his classroom windows. Grinning madly, the 'Red Man' massacres Ganta's entire class but instead of killing him, embeds a red crystal shard in Ganta's chest. Within days of the massacre, Ganta is subjected to a kangaroo court as a suspect and is sentenced to death at Deadman Wonderland, a massive theme park-like prison. What awaits him in the prison is only for you to know.
Highly recommended and critically acclaimed this anime packs all the punch for gore anime theme lovers. With surprises around every corner this anime will hook you up that you cant get enough.
By Eyepatch69 (Sushant)
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